Multiple Payment Types
Add different payment types to suit your sales and operations processes.
Select the type of payment
Operate a streamlined process with just core Cash, Cheque and integrated Card Payments.
Payment Types recorded for reporting
All payment types can be profiled for management and accounts reporting.
Model the many complex ways that you record revenue
Some businesses transact in more complex ways, not just cold hard cash! Model and record these processes and types, leverage the salesforce platform to initiate down stream processes.
Reporting and Analytics
Real-time data sync provides powerful visibility within Salesforce.
Back Office & Front Office
Both the back office and front office are aligned on status and revenues.
Products and Prices
Product and Price are managed within Salesforce standard capabilities and pass through in real-time.
Opportunity Selling
Orders can be saved to Salesforce even if they are not completed or fully paid. Providing a call to action within an Opportunity sales process.
Would you like to learn more?
Contact us to discuss further.